Lindsay Cutler, Program Director
Loriee Evans, Community Engagement Manager
Sandra Kohl, Operations Manager
Mackenzie Sanders, Development Manager
Jane Smith, Workforce Development Manager
Amanda Westendorf, Arborist
Morgan Wolfe Program Manager
Abigail Johnson, Office Assistant
Jess Morales, Program Associate
Brenda Negrete, Community Engagement Coordinator
Laura Prickett, Field Crew Supervisor and Park Legacy Coordinator
Allie Runne, Field Crew Supervisor
Community Connectors
Danielle Helm (Barnum and Barnum West)
Blanca Idolina (Barnum and Barnum West)
Leah Logan (Valverde)
Evon Lopez (Valverde)
Amanda Morian (Globeville)
Kim Ramirez (Villa Park)
Leah Rounds (West Colfax)