Last summer, The Park People teamed up with a group of passionate residents to raise funds to support the redesign of the Robinson Park Playground in east central Denver.
The park's existing playground equipment was installed in 2000. After twenty years of intensive love and use by Denver children, it is in significant need of an update. Denver Parks and Recreation has planned a complete redesign of the playground to provide today's and tomorrow's children and grandchildren with a rich, engaging experience based on current best practices in playground design. Unfortunately, the funds allocated for the playground and the park's basketball court are not sufficient to cover all the elements of the redesign, including several important features that will enhance the usability and expand the range of ages served by the playground.
So, residents rallied to ensure that Robinson Park Playground will be rebuilt to its full potential! A group of concerned neighbors partnered with The Park People to raise the additional funds needed to help the realize the full design plan. The dollars from this grassroots effort will fund six specific design elements:
Shade Sails to provide much-needed shade cover for playground users and their adults,
Musical Instrument Play Features to stimulate the senses with an added element of the play experience,
a Sand Play Area to provide a fun and safe creative-play environment for young park users, including the littlest,
an Embankment Slide for safe sliding fun,
a SmartPlay Cube for stimulating activities, and
a Friendship Swing for multi-user, social swinging that playmates or family members can enjoy together!
Reconstruction of the playground is expected to be complete by fall 2021.